Science Researcher Update: Spotlight on Meetings, Conferences, and Events

12th Multinational Congress on Microscopy

Posted on Jun 14, 2015 11:13:44 PM

Conference - Eger, Hungary
The aim of MCM conferences is to bring together leading experts and emerging young researchers applying many types of microscopic techniques in the field of life or material sciences as well as provide a forum for new directions.
MCM conferences have always been a good forum for microscopists to not only learn from each other but to establish international links between laboratories interested in similar projects. Trade exhibitions also helped to gain insight into the newest development of microscopy. These meetings besides having always been a forum for informative and amicable discussions between world –renowned scientists and members of the young generation, offered a good possibility for the young talents to introduce themselves to an international audience.
Main topics are:
Life Sciences
L1 Structure and imaging of biomolecules
L2 Live cell imaging
L3 Neurobiology
L4 Organelles and cellular dynamics
L5 Multidisciplinary approaches for medical and biological sciences
L6 Microscopic applications in plants,
microorganisms and environmental sciences
L7 Super-resolution microscopy in biological sciences
Organization: Akadémiai Kiadó - AKCongress
Sun, Aug 23, 2015 - Fri, Aug 28, 2015
 Hotel Eger Park
Eger, Hungary
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Tags: Microscopy, Congress, August, 2015, Hungary, Engineering, Life Sciences, Conference

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