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Webinar on Pharma Analytics - I Have All These Data, Now What Do I Do?

Posted on Jun 2, 2015 12:40:00 PM

Seminar - Online

We know that it takes more than a large data set and computer software to effectively solve problems. As information technology increases in capability and availability the opportunity to use data to develop and improve processes becomes even greater. This webinar provides guidance on how to manage and execute data-rich projects and is illustrated with case studies and examples. A guiding objective is the discovery of relationships between variables that result in increased process and product understanding. “Tips and traps” are also provided.

Organization: Compliance Trainings (
Wednesday, June 17, 2015 (13:0014:00)
Mississauga, Ontario 44813, Canada
Contact: Compliance Trainings (
Phone: 4169154458
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Tags: June, Webinar, 2015, Seminar, Pharma, Biologics

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