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Webinar on How to Conduct a HIPAA Risk Assessment & Write Policies

Posted on Jun 4, 2015 4:57:00 AM

Seminar - Online

In this webinar we will see how to conduct a PROPER risk assessment point by point and how to also avoid scams in the market. We will also be discussing the absolute importance of doing a risk assessment and that this is the first thing the OCR will ask for. I will instruct the listeners on how to write proper policies and procedures which are to be based upon the findings of the risk assessment and how to word the policies to satisfy the Fed. We will also discuss the importance of having policies which are consistent with your procedures and also discuss the negative ramification of cookie cutter templates in the eyes of the Fed.

Organization: Compliance Trainings (
Tuesday, June 23, 2015 (13:0014:00)
Mississauga, Ontario 44813, Canada
Contact: Compliance Trainings (
Phone: 4169154458
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Tags: June, Healthcare, Webinar, 2015, Seminar

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