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Webinar: GPS for Glycan Analysis: Routine Tools for Mapping Your Glycan Profile

Posted on Jun 19, 2015 2:41:00 PM

Webinar - Online
During the development, production, and quality control of protein-based biotherapeutics, it’s imperative to characterize and monitor the released N-glycan profile. Historically this has been challenging due to extensive labeling protocols and compromises in fluorescence (FLR) and mass spectrometric (MS) sensitivities of different labels. Recently the GlycoWorks™ RapiFluor-MS™ N-Glycan kit has been introduced to address these challenges. With this technology, users can complete N-glycan sample preparation, from glycoprotein to ready-to-analyze sample, in just 30 minutes. More significantly, the RapiFluor-MS improves FLR and MS sensitivities while streamlining the overall N-glycan sample throughput.
These advancements now allow, for the first time, the use of mass detection for glycan analyses during method development, process development, and quality control where access to high-end mass spectrometers is limited. In this webinar we will provide case study examples of applications where the combined orthogonal FLR and mass data, collected within a single integrated workflow, provides critical insights about the composition of a glycan profile for data-driven confidence in decisions made during late-phase protein development and QC.
Organizer: Genetic Engineering & Biotechnology News
Thursday, June 18, 2015 (11:00 am ET, 8:00 am PT)
140 Huguenot St., New Rochelle, NY 10801, USA
Contact: Genetic Engineering & Biotechnology News (
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Tags: June, genetic engineering, Educational Event, Webinar, 2015, Biotechnology

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