Science Researcher Update: Spotlight on Meetings, Conferences, and Events

2017 2nd World Congress on Molecular Genetics and Gene Therapy

Spotlight on Science Meetings, Conferences and Events brings you information on the following event: 2017 2nd World Congress on Molecular Genetics and Gene Therapy

This unique international conference provides a platform for researchers and decision makers in Molecular Genetics & Gene Therapy to present their latest findings and learn about all the important developments in Molecular Genetics & Gene Therapy. Many scientists and world's renowned experts will participate in the conference. Throughout the course of the Three days conference, you will have the opportunity to both network and hear leaders from the international academic and corporate Molecular Genetics & Gene Therapy communities. This conference seek to bring all such scientist, Noble Laureate, researcher, research scholar, students and people together who are involved in this field and provide them to discuss about their innovation, exchange ideas and interaction with each other.

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Tags: gene therapy, July, Thailand, Bangkok, 2017, Current Science Meetings and Events, July 2017, Science Meetings and Events, Molecular Genetics

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