Science Researcher Update: Spotlight on Meetings, Conferences, and Events

STATegra Summer School in - Omics Data Integration

Posted on Jun 23, 2015 8:33:00 AM

Course - Benicassim, Spain
STATegra is a EU funded project for the development of statistical methods and software for the integration of NGS and omics data. Our goal is to provide bioinformatics resources that the genomics community can easily use to integrate and to understand their experiments involving a variety of omics measurements. The STATegra has now generated several integration methodologies and a benchmarking dataset where up to seven omics data-types were obtained under a controlled experimental setting. During the STATegra Summer School we will provide training to experimentalists and bioinformaticians in the analysis of multi-omics experiments.
The topics of the Summer School are:
(1) Comparative description of state-of-the-art omics technologies: RNA-seq, smallRNA-seq, ChIP-seq, DNase-seq, RRBS-seq, proteomics and metabolomics
(2) Experimental Design in multi-omics experiments
(3) Pre-processing and data analysis pipelines
(4) Hands-on on data integration methods developed within and without STATegra
Organization: Karolinska Institutet Unit of Computational Medicine
STATegra Summer School in -Omics Data Integration
Mon, Sep 07, 2015 - Fri, Sep 11, 2015
Albergue Juvenil Argentina (Benicàssim)
Valencia, Spain
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Tags: Drug Discovery, September, Computational Biology, Spain, 2015, research course, Life Sciences

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