Science Researcher Update: Spotlight on Meetings, Conferences, and Events

Therapeutic proteins and antibodies: from design to function

Posted on Jun 1, 2014 4:18:00 PM


Conference - London, United Kingdom

This meeting discusses new developments in therapeutic protein and antibody engineering with specific focus on science and technology of modifying proteins and antibodies (and the conditions of their manufacture) toward specific predefined properties that allow them to act as effective biological drugs. Special emphasis will be placed on structure-function relationships, mechanisms of action, potency and efficacy in disease-relevant models and in clinical trials. There will be plenty of opportunity for discussion and debate addressing the wide range of disciplines applied to the rapid and economical production of these molecules for biological therapies.

Organization: Euroscicon

Therapeutic proteins and antibodies: from design to function

Wed, Jun 18, 2014 - Wed, Jun 18, 2014

Cineworld: The O2

Peninsula Square, London, United Kingdom

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Tags: 2014, June, Biochemistry, United Kingdom, London, Proteins, Life Sciences, Conference

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