Science Researcher Update: Spotlight on Meetings, Conferences, and Events

Marine Biological Laboratory Neurobiology Course 2014

Posted on May 13, 2014 2:23:00 PM


Course - Woods Hole, MA, United States

An intensive and comprehensive laboratory-oriented course in cellular and molecular neurobiology intended for predoctoral students, postdoctoral or clinical researchers, and young investigators beginning independent research careers.

A hallmark of this course is the extensive lab work done in close collaboration with expert faculty. The course is divided into three sections: Electrophysiology, Imaging, and Molecular Neurobiology. These are taught by separate groups of faculty, usually six in each section, and with many guest lecturers. Each section begins with specific training in core laboratory techniques; students then undertake one- to two-week directed or independent projects using the methods they have learned. Didactic lectures are combined with laboratory experience in order to establish a strong conceptual foundation for each section. A typical day has 3 hours of lecture and 10 hours of lab.

Electrophysiological methods focus on patch-clamp and sharp electrode recordings, performed on neurons in a variety of preparations, including tissue culture, brain slices, isolated squid synapses, rat cochlea, or whole fish. Optical methods include calcium imaging, confocal and 2-photon microscopy, videomicroscopy, and electron microscopy. Molecular techniques emphasize the use of forward and reverse genetics in diverse systems such as Drosophila, C. elegans, zebrafish, chick embryos, and primary cells in culture. The impact of genetic manipulations are assayed by real time PCR, laser microdissection, single cell PCR, in situ hybridization

Organization: MBL


Sat, Jun 07, 2014 - Sun, Aug 03, 2014

Marine Biological Laboratory

Woods Hole, MA, United States

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Tags: 2014, June, brain research, Marine Biology, Neurobiology, Life Sciences, laboratory, lab research, research laboratories

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