Conference - Rhodes, Greece
The purpose of the 11th Innate Immunity is to bring together scientists from all over the world to discuss their latest findings on the various aspects of Innate Immunity. The specific topics include: Evolution of the innate immune system, Host-microbe interactions, Interactions with adaptive immunity, Pathophysiology-Inflammation, Structural biology, and Therapeutic applications. Abstracts are invited from the international community for all these topics. The scientific sessions will convene in the mornings and early afternoons and will include lectures by invited speakers, as well as talks and poster presentations selected from submitted abstracts. The conference has limited participation and a scientific and social program that will maximize scientific interchange. In order to encourage the participation of young scientists, the Aegean Conferences is offering Trainee Travel Awards to offset a portion of the travel expenses to the Conference. The Conference Organizing Committee will select the Award recipients based on the scientific merit of abstracts submitted by applicants
Organization: Aegean Conferences
11th International Conference on Innate Immunity
Sun, Jun 01, 2014 - Fri, Jun 06, 2014
Aldemar Royal Olympia
Rhodes, Greece
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