Science Researcher Update: Spotlight on Meetings, Conferences, and Events

Predictive Toxicology Summit 2015

Posted on Jan 10, 2015 12:12:00 PM

Conference - London, United Kingdom
This years summit will equip you with the most up to date time and money saving tools such as new In silico models and In vitro methods.
The event will be thought provoking, asking important questions on the predictive ability of new research subjects such as stem cells and 3D models.
Industry case studies and research presentations will be used to illustrate the current state of predictive toxicology testing and emerging testing tools in areas such as liver toxicity. Predictive testing will be covered with emphasis on clinical studies in several therapeutic areas including neuroscience, liver toxicity, oncology and cardio toxicity.
The 7th Annual Predictive Toxicology Summit is your tool kit to the forthcoming drug development year covering topics such as:
The transition of the Toxicology industry from animal models to human tissue models
The evolution of 3D Models
Stem cells
Organization: i2i Events

Predictive Toxicology Summit 2015

Tue, Feb 17, 2015 - Wed, Feb 18, 2015
IQPC London
129 Wilton Rd, London SW1V 1JZ, United Kingdom
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Tags: United Kingdom, Toxicology, Healthcare, Chemical Sciences, London, Summit, Pharmaceuticals, 2015, February, Biomaterials, Conference

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