Science Researcher Update: Spotlight on Meetings, Conferences, and Events

Precision: Breast Cancer World Summit

Posted on Dec 7, 2015 1:26:19 AM

Conference - Boston, MA, United States
Neo Synth presents the Annual Precision: Breast Cancer World Summit taking place on February 23rd and 24th 2016 in Boston, USA Over the two days, this exclusive summit will bring together 80-100 senior level attendees from the pharmaceutical industry and academia to discuss the most crucial challenges in the development of targeted therapies in Breast Cancer. Breast cancer R&D receives the largest amount of spending across all cancer types, and represents the largest opportunity for developers. The summit will cover presentations on the latest updates from the Breast cancer pipelines of small and large drug developers, and feature discussions around all the latest trends in personalized medicine, as pertaining to this disease area, through case studies from early discovery to development. Topics Include: Antibody Constructs (Including ADC), Immuno-Oncology, Biomarkers and Companion Diagnostics.
Organization: Neo Synth (
23 Feb 2016 - 24 Feb 2016 (08:30 - 18:00)
Boston, MA, USA
Contact: Grace Hamilton (

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Tags: Cancer, United States, Summit, February, Biomarkers, Boston, Conference, MA, 2016

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