Science Researcher Update: Spotlight on Meetings, Conferences, and Events

SMi Group's Inaugural Peptides Conference

Posted on May 26, 2015 3:01:00 AM

Conference - London, United Kingdom
The conference sets the stage for attendees to gain valuable insight into innovative topics such as cyclic peptides: R&D platforms, manufacture and stability, oral delivery of peptides, cell permeable peptide therapeutics for cancer treatments and Development of Peptides for the Clinic. Along with this, the programme will provide insight into formulating solutions for delivery and round table discussions on case studies demonstrating the translation of R&D peptides to the clinic.
Reasons why you should attend:
ENHANCE understandings of current peptide R&D platforms to allow for rapid and efficient discovery of new compounds.
GAIN a greater insight into oral delivery mechanisms to allow for greater access to the clinic and increased patient compliance.
LEARN how to translate R&D from the bench to the clinic to ensure smooth transitions.
EXPAND Familiarity about current peptide synthesis mechanisms and gain an insight into what technologies are available to synthesise peptides in an effective manner.
DEVELOP knowledge on the latest breakthrough peptide therapeutics and first in class drugs to treat non-communicable diseases.
Organization: SMi Group
Wed, Jul 08, 2015 - Thu, Jul 09, 2015
Marriott Hotel Regents Park
128 King Henry's Road, NW3 3ST, London, United Kingdom
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Tags: Drug Discovery, Pharmacology, Biochemistry, United Kingdom, July, Chemistry, London, 2015, Pharmacy, Health Science, Life Sciences, Conference, Life Science

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