Science Researcher Update: Spotlight on Meetings, Conferences, and Events

Next Generation Dx Summit 2015

Posted on Jun 15, 2015 2:37:09 AM

Conference - Washington, DC, United States
The Next Generation Dx Summit, entering its seventh year, brings together more than 800 diagnostics professionals from across the world, providing comprehensive programming and valuable networking opportunities. Spanning from clinical diagnostics to business strategy, this year’s expanded program encompasses predictive cancer biomarkers, companion diagnostics, infectious disease, point-of-care, pharmacy-based diagnostics, cell-free DNA, commercialization, cancer immunotherapy, and reimbursement. With widespread coverage of all the most relevant diagnostics topics, the Next Generation Dx Summit promises to be a must-attend event to hear the latest announcements and developments in this rapidly evolving field.
Organization: Cambridge Healthtech Institute
Tue, Aug 18, 2015 - Thu, Aug 20, 2015
Capital Hilton
1001 16th Street NW, Washington, DC
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Tags: Washington DC, Washington, Biotechnology Current Events, United States, August, Summit, 2015, Life Sciences, Conference, Biotechnology

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