Science Researcher Update: Spotlight on Meetings, Conferences, and Events

Modern Drug Discovery & Development Summit

Posted on Aug 10, 2016 5:05:06 PM


Summit - Boston, MA, United States

This meeting will provide a multi-disciplinary forum for industry and academia colleagues to gather and explore the changing landscape of drug discovery in emerging target classes and chemical biology approaches for discovering new medicines. Leaders in the field will present on hot topics such as protein-protein interactions, overcoming resistance in drug design, kinase inhibitors, target identification & validation, target activation/inhibition, computational chemistry, and many more. 

3rd Cell & Gene Therapy
Treatment of disease using cell and gene therapy is now a reality. With emerging technologies and new clinical trials being developed and launched at a growing rate, this meeting will discuss the evolving regulatory challenges and pre-clinical requirements, emerging technologies, the development and applications of cell and gene therapy, as well as business models and commercial milestones.

7th Non-Coding RNA & RNAi Therapeutics
Emerging areas in RNA research provide great insight into promising therapeutic tools. Delivery has remained a solid focus for understanding how RNA has proven to play a vital and central role in all cellular function. Advances in cell selective delivery and the target abilities of RNAi demonstrate growth and maturity in the field. The excitement and interest that CRISPR brings continues to progress the evolution of genome editing tools. We will also dive into application of aptamers in diagnostic and therapeutic settings. This will include stability, affinity and specificity of oligonucleotide aptamer ligands and other delivery approaches as well.

4th GPCR in Drug Discovery
G protein-coupled receptors are the largest family of protein receptors and account for one of the largest classes for drug targets currently in the market. Continued breakthrough and insights into the structural biology of GPCRs have opened up greater potential of this target class to impact drug discovery and renewed interest in this field. Leaders in the field will share about advances in topics such as GPCRs in diseases, approaches to GPCR signaling, and biased signaling

For more information, please visit:

Monday, September 12, 2016 to Thursday, September 15, 2016
Hyatt Boston Harbor
Boston, Massachusetts, U.S.A.
Contact: 1-626-256-6405

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Tags: Drug Discovery, United States, September, Summit, Boston, MA, Drug Development, 2016

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