Science Researcher Update: Spotlight on Meetings, Conferences, and Events

Medicalis - International Congress for Medical Students & Young Doctors

Posted on Apr 1, 2015 4:49:22 AM

Congress - Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Medicalis – International Congress for Medical Students and Young Health Professionals will be at its 16th edition this year, taking place in Cluj-Napoca, Romania between the 14th – 17th of May 2015.
Every year we intend to bring distinguished physicians covering a great variety of medical fields from Romania and all over the world in order to give the participants the opportunity to attend conferences that consist of the latest discoveries at both a national and international level. Hands-on workshops specially organized are also part of the scientific program.
Students of any age are encouraged to register and to actively participate in one of the oral or poster presentation sessions by submitting their abstracts in the field where they performed their research.
Organization: Medicalis - International Congress for Students and Young Doctors
Thu, May 14, 2015 - Sun, May 17, 2015
UMF "Iuliu Hatieganu" Cluj-Napoca
Cluj-Napoca, Romania
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Tags: Congress, May, Pathology, 2015, Romania, Life Sciences

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