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MathCompEPI 2015 "Mathematical & Computational Epidemiology of Infectious Diseases "

Posted on Jun 20, 2015 5:20:00 AM

Conference - Erice, Italy
Modern MCE is facing huge challenges, (such as understanding the role of human mobility and of human behaviour, and many others) and other will surely emerge in next future.
The aim of this international conference is twofold.
The first aim is to illustrate the major areas of research in MCE and the huge variety of tools and approaches that are currently employed. Models of various degrees of complexity are synergistically interplaying in this discipline. They are both needed and complementary, and in this conference will be both present.
The second and major aim, in line with the great tradition of the International Centre “Ettore Majorana”, is to foster frank peer-to-peer discussion between expert outstanding researchers and more junior investigators as well as PhD students.
Organization: "Ettore Majorana" Centre for Scientific Culture
MathCompEPI 2015 "Mathematical & Computational Epidemiology of Infectious Diseases "
Mon, Aug 31, 2015 - Fri, Sep 04, 2015
"Ettore Majorana" Centre for Scientific Culture
Via Guarnotta 26, Erice, Italy
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Tags: August, September, Epidemiology, Italy, Conference, Mathematics

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