Science Researcher Update: Spotlight on Meetings, Conferences, and Events

Leveraging Big Data and Predictive Knowledge to Fight Disease

Posted on Jun 8, 2015 7:14:00 AM

Symposium - New York, United States
Drug development is entering an era of precision medicine that is centered on the analysis of massive amounts of data. The ability to integrate, interrogate, model and interpret biological, chemical, pharmacological, genomic and clinical data holistically is key to making more effective and truly personalized medicines to fight disease. Researchers are using innovative technologies and computational techniques to develop predictive knowledge for the identification of promising new treatments, new therapeutic uses for existing molecules, patients who are good candidates for particular clinical trials or treatment protocols, and population signals of adverse drug reactions. This symposium explores the many uses of big data and predictive knowledge to guide drug development and clinical trials.
Organization: New York Academy of Sciences
Leveraging Big Data and Predictive Knowledge to Fight Disease
Tuesday, July 28, 2015 (8:30 AM - 6:00 PM)
7 World Trade Cetner
250 Greenwich st, New York, United States
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Tags: Drug Discovery, New York, July, United States, Symposium, 2015, Life Sciences, Drug Development

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