Science Researcher Update: Spotlight on Meetings, Conferences, and Events

EMBL-EBI Course: Introduction to Next Generation Sequencing

Posted on Mar 3, 2015 12:18:05 PM

Course - Cambridge, United Kingdom
This course will provide an introduction to the technology, data analysis, tools and resources for next generation sequencing (NGS) data.
The content is intended to provide a broad overview of the subject areas, and to highlight key resources, approaches and methodologies. Topics will be delivered using a mixture of lectures, practical sessions and open discussions. Practical work during the course will use small, example datasets and there will not be scope to analyse personal data.
Organization: EMBL-EBI

For more information, please visit:

Mon, Apr 13, 2015 - Thu, Apr 16, 2015
European Bioinformatics Institute,
Hinxton, CB10 1SD United Kingdom
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Tags: Bioinformatics, United Kingdom, April, Hinxton, 2015, research course, Life Sciences, Cambridge

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