Science Researcher Update: Spotlight on Meetings, Conferences, and Events

IFTOMM International Conference on Engineering Vibration 2015

Posted on Jun 26, 2015 6:16:00 AM

Conference - Ljubljana, Slovenia
The main objective of the conference is to bring together researchers and engineers devoting their work to vibration-related problems in different areas of engineering applications on a common platform.
We strongly believe that ICoEV-2015 will have a significant impact on the development of contemporary analytical, numerical and experimental methods in vibration problems, and will also create an opportunity for opening a forum for discussion and collaboration amongst the participants.
Ljubljana is a beautiful city in the heart of Slovenia, one hour drive away from the Adriatic coast or the Alps.
We are looking forward to receiving you in Ljubljana in September 2015.
Organization: University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Mech Eng
Mon, Sep 07, 2015 - Thu, Sep 10, 2015
Ljubljana, Slovenia
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Tags: September, Slovenia, 2015, Ljubljana, Engineering, Conference

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