Science Researcher Update: Spotlight on Meetings, Conferences, and Events

EMBL Introductory Course: Microinjection into Adherent Cells

Posted on Oct 27, 2014 1:38:00 PM

Conference - Heidelberg, Germany
This course is aimed at Technicians and Scientists interested in microinjection into adherent cells. Participants should have basic experience with cell culture and microscopy.
20% of the course programme covers lectures and tutorials on microinjection and corresponding microscopy techniques by experts in the field. 80% focuses on hands on practical work organised in small groups.
The following topics will be addressed: sample preparation, microinjection of marker dyes, microinjection of GFP-labeled DNA and protein constructs, microscopy training, and analysis of the experiments with fluorescence microscopy techniques.
Wed, Oct 29, 2014 - Thu, Oct 30, 2014
EMBL Advanced Training Centre
Heidelberg, Germany 
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Tags: 2014, life science current events, cell biology, Microscopy, Research Conference, October

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