Science Researcher Update: Spotlight on Meetings, Conferences, and Events

EMBL Conference: Cancer Genomics

Posted on Aug 28, 2015 5:28:17 AM

Conference - Heidelberg, Germany
This conference will provide an opportunity to learn about and keep up to date with the rapidly progressing area of cancer genomics. It will cover presentations from cancer genome projects, the areas of cancer functional genomics, systems biology, cancer mouse models, and the translation and clinical impact of scientific results obtained. The meeting will bring together leading scientists from across these areas for a unique opportunity to interact and stimulate further integration of these efforts.
European Cancer Genomics research is particularly strong in the Heidelberg area, with three International Cancer Genome Consortium ( projects being currently pursued with significant participation from Heidelberg institutions, including EMBL. As in our 2013 meeting, a large number of renowned speakers will be invited, with a strong representation of overseas speakers. The atmosphere at the conference will make this an exceptional event with cutting edge science, extensive scientific discussions, and ample possibilities for meetings between and after sessions to facilitate in-depth discussions and new collaborations
Organization: CCO EMBL
Sun, Nov 01, 2015 - Wed, Nov 04, 2015
EMBL Advanced Training Centre
Heidelberg, Germany
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Tags: November, Cancer, germany, Heidelberg, 2015, Life Sciences, Conference, Genomics

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