Science Researcher Update: Spotlight on Meetings, Conferences, and Events

Bangalore Microscopy Course 2015

Posted on Jul 6, 2015 5:33:26 AM

Course - Bnagalore, India
The VIIth Bangalore Microscopy Course will be organized at the National Centre for Biological Sciences, NCBS, Bangalore, India during 20-27 September 2015. Taught by world leaders in biological microscopy, this course provides didactic and hands-on training in state-of-the-art optical microscopy techniques.
A range of topics from basic microscopy to super-resolution imaging will be covered. Research seminars detailing applications of light microscopy to address specific biological questions will also be part of the program.
Lectures will be combined with hands-on training in a dedicated teaching laboratory equipped with many state-of-the-art microscopes. The final two days of the course will give the participants an opportunity to do independent work or a mini-project.
Organization: National Centre for Biological Sciences
Sun, Sep 20, 2015 - Sun, Sep 27, 2015
National Center for Biological Sciences
NCBS, GKVK post, Bellary Road, Bnagalore, India
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Tags: cell biology, Microscopy, September, India, Research India, 2015, research course, Life Sciences

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