Science Researcher Update: Spotlight on Meetings, Conferences, and Events

A History of Neuroscience Symposium

Posted on Jul 24, 2015 3:58:22 AM

Seminar - Thessaloniki, Greece
The FENS History of Neuroscience Committee invites you to its special interest session at the FENS Featured Regional Meeting, during which you will learn more on the past breakthroughs in neuroscience and prodigious neuro-scientists, more especially on the ones from the three FFRM organising countries. Topics cover the History of Neuroscience in its broader meaning, including the history of basic, clinical, and behavioural neurosciences.
Programme of the Session:
1. Award Ceremony for the best students’ posters exhibited in the History Corner, announced by Dr. Lorenzo Lorusso, from . More on the History Corner hereunder.
2. Three talks on the history of Neuroscience from the Ancient Greek era till today:
“Sands, stars and visions between Archimedes to Galileo” by Dr. Marco Piccolino, from the University of Ferrara, Italy.
“Curtailed aspects of Cajal’s tips on scientific research” (including an audio documentary) by Dr. Lazaros C. Triarhou, from the University of Macedonia, Greece
“Sherrington’s box of wonders: the recently rediscovered histological slides of Sir Charles” by Dr. Zoltán Molnár, from the University of Oxford, United Kingdom.
3. Brief presentations of the history of Neuroscience in each country involved in the organisation of the FFRM: Greece, Israel and Serbia; by the respective experts:
Discussion on the state of local research in neuroscience in Israel: past, present, and future,by Prof. S. Hochstein, from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Discussion on the state of local research in neuroscience in Serbia: past, present, and future, by Prof. Ljubisav Rakic, President of the Serbian Neuroscience Society
Discussion on the state of local research in neuroscience in Greece: past, present, and future, by Prof.George Kostopoulos, from the University of Patras
4. Discussion with the audience and small cocktail
Organization: FENS - Federation of European Neuroscience Societies
Fri, Oct 09, 2015 - Fri, Oct 09, 2015
154, EGNATIA STR., 546 36, THESSALONIKI, Greece
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Tags: Greece, Symposium, October, 2015, Neuroscience, Seminar

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