Science Researcher Update: Spotlight on Meetings, Conferences, and Events

6th World ADC Summit San Diego 2015

Posted on Jul 30, 2015 3:38:00 AM

Conference - San Diego, CA, United States
World ADC San Diego is the pinnacle of the ADC calendar. Uniting the whole of the antibody drug conjugate community, this is a celebration of new ideas, new partnerships and new progress in treating cancer. Continuing it’s mission to accelerate the development of clinically meaningful ADC drugs, this year’s meeting will provide new impetus for your research projects.
Building on it’s 5 year history, the agenda will see insights shared on novel targets, drug-linker chemistries, preclinical modelling, analytical characterization, drug product formulation, supply chain optimization and clinical efficacy data.
Organization: Hanson Wade
Mon, Oct 19, 2015 - Thu, Oct 22, 2015
Sheraton San Diego Hotel & Marina
1380 Harbor Island Drive, San Diego, United States
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Tags: Cancer, United States, October, Summit, 2015, Health Science, San Diego, Life Sciences, Conference

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