Science Researcher Update: Spotlight on Meetings, Conferences, and Events

4th Biotechnology World Congress

Posted on Jul 21, 2015 11:57:00 PM

Conference - Dubai, United Arab Emirates
4th BWC is going to be held in Dubai, UAE, from February 15th -18th, 2016, with Dr. Ferid Murad, Nobel Laureate and Prof. Atta-ur-Rahman, FRS as the conference Co-Presidents.
This conference will bring an opportunity to researchers and decision makers in biotechnology to get their latest discoveries acknowledged on the global arena. Presentations would focus on pharmaceutical biotechnology, vaccines, CNS, cancer, antibodies, protein engineering, plant and environmental technologies, transgenic plant and crops, bioremediation, microbial diversity research, business development, strategic alliances, partnering trends, product opportunities, growth business models and strategies, licensing etc.
Organization: Eureka Science
For details and complete list of thematic sessions, please visit
15 - 18 February 2016
Higher Colleges of Technology, Dubai Women's Campus - also known as Dubai Women's College
Al Baghdad Street, Nahda 2, Qusais, Dubai, Opposite Ministry of Labor Building, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Contact: Qasit Malik (
Phone: +971-6-5575783
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Tags: Congress, February, Biomedical Engineering, Dubai, United Arab Emirates, biotechnology conference, Engineering, Conference, Biotechnology, 2016

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