We are very excited to be back at the University of South Florida this February after a strong debut that saw close to 150 researchers. This February, Biotechnology Calendar, Inc. will be holding our second event at USF so that life science researchers can learn about new lab products and technologies from lab and chemical supply companies.
The 2nd Annual BioResearch Product Faire™ Event
at the University of South Florida will be held on February 9th, 2017.
USF Research Funding Statistics:
- Awarded a record $458.5M in contract and grants in 2016.
- Ranks 9th in the nation among public universities.
- Ranks 21st worldwide among all universities granted U.S. utility patents.
- Ranked among the top 50 universities in the nation, public or private, for research expenditures.

"The BioResearch Product Faire was the most diverse and informative vendor show. It was great to learn about all the new products." - C. K., USF
"I came today because we are setting up a new lab and I wanted the opportunity to speak with as many sales reps as possible. I enjoyed the vendors that were here. The food was great!" - M. R., USF
See more testimonials here.

We invite you to increase your 2017 sales in this research market. Please let us know if you’d like to reserve space at this trade fair event by calling 530-272-6675, or visit the link below for more information. Early registration expires on November 9th, 2016.

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