Science Researcher Update: Spotlight on Meetings, Conferences, and Events

Mathematical Models for Infectious Disease Dynamics

Posted on Aug 7, 2013 1:27:00 AM

Mathematical Models for Infectious Disease Dynamics

Conference - Hinxton, Cambridge, United Kingdom

Over the last two decades, mathematical models have seen a huge development in all aspects of infectious diseases, from microbiology to epidemiology and evolution. Professionals in these fields are now exposed to a wide range of models, often without receiving appropriate training.

This intensive, two-week course is aimed at any life scientist, public health officer, or medical or veterinary professional with an interest in quantitative approaches to infectious disease dynamics and control in humans or animals. The programme will cover introductory and advanced concepts in mathematical modelling of infectious diseases, including:

Population dynamics
Deterministic and stochastic models
Network analysis
Within-host dynamics of viral and bacterial infections
Mathematical review (calculus, probabilities...)
Applied programming with R
Statistical modelling
Computer-based simulations


Courtesy of Wellcome Trust logo, via

For more information, please visit:

10-21 February 2014

Wellcome Trust Advanced Courses, Wellcome Trust Genome Campus, Hinxton, Cambridge, UK

Contact Email: Wellcome Trust Advanced Courses (

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Tags: 2014, Microbiology, infectious diseases, UK, Epidemiology, Evolution, Hinxton, February, life science research, Life Sciences, Conference, Cambridge

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