Science Researcher Update: Spotlight on Meetings, Conferences, and Events

2nd Annual World Cord Blood Congress

Posted on Jun 20, 2013 3:04:00 AM

World Cord Blood Congress

Congress - Cambridge, MA, United States

The World Cord Blood Congress is where private and public cord blood banks, pharma and biotechs, academia and government come to debate advances in cord blood banking and therapeutics.

Instead of asking you to travel and invest in three separate conferences, in 2013 World Cord Blood Congress, Stem Cells & Regenerative Medicine Congress and Cell Culture World Congress USA will take place simultaneously.


(Courtesy of logo of World Cord Blood Congress 2013, via

For more information, please visit:

September 30, 2013 – October 1, 2013

The Hyatt Regency, Cambridge, MA, United States

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Tags: 2013, cord blood banking, Biotech Event, US, September, October, Biobank, biobanking, Cambridge, MA, biotech industry, Biotech current events, cord blood

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