Science Researcher Update: Spotlight on Meetings, Conferences, and Events

High-Throughput Protein Production & Crystallization

Posted on May 14, 2013 12:38:00 AM

High-throughput methods for Protein Production and Crystallization

EMBO Practical Course - Harwell, United Kingdom

Structural proteomic projects have been established world-wide to carry out high throughput structure determination on a genome-wide scale. Crucial to this effort has been the development of HTP technologies for protein production, protein crystallization and improved methods for structure solution by X-ray crystallography. The overall aim of the course will be to review the state-of-the-art in HTP structural biology with an emphasis on methods to study complex targets, including membrane proteins.

Practical training will be provided in:

Structural bioinformatics (lecture & workshop)

High throughput cloning & expression in E. coli and mammalian cells (lectures & practicals)

Protein purification and biophysical characterisation (lectures, practicals and demonstrations).

High throughput protein crystallization (lecture & practicals).

High throughput data collection at synchrotrons (lectures & workshop).

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(Courtesy of Microscopic views of different protein crystal morphologies, via

High throughput Protein Production and ... - Events - EMBO

Wed, May 15, 2013 - Thu, May 23, 2013

Research Complex at Harwell, R92 Rutherford Appleton Laboratory
Harwell Oxford, Oxfordshire OX11 OFA, UK

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Tags: 2013, Bioinformatics, cell biology, United Kingdom, Protein Research, May, Harwell, Life Sciences

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