Science Researcher Update: Spotlight on Meetings, Conferences, and Events

FEBS 2012 Practical Course - From Genomics to Systems Biology

Posted on Aug 16, 2012 9:22:00 AM

FEBS 2012 Practical Course - Bioinformatics for the Bench Biologist

Practical Course - Dubrovnik, Croatia

The FEBS 2012 Practical Course aims to bring together the combined experience of experts in the field of bioinformatics and training, with early-stage researchers who have no formal bioinformatics training but deeply rely on using bioinformatics resources and tools. Covering major research fields, spanning from genomics to systems biology, the course will combine teaching some of the general concepts that are important for understanding how to make the most of data with hands-on experience using databases, through a range of widely applicable case studies.

Cutting edge researchers will offer theoretical knowledge on when, why and how to efficiently use the resources and tools in own research. The talks will be followed by practical computer based sessions where participants are provided with tutorials and exercises to perform during the course. Another form of practical work will be quizzes, reflective tasks and experimental workflow design and discussion. To maximize the interaction of lecturers and participants, they will all be accommodated in the same hotel and have meals together as well as participate in other course social events.  PhD students and postdocs will also have an opportunity to present their own research on the first day during the poster session and exchange knowledge and ideas on how to efficiently explore and extract information concerning their own work.


Homology, sequence searching and multiple alignments
Phylogenetics and genome browsing
Functional genomics
Protein resources and tools
Systems biology

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(Courtesy of

Dubrovnik, Croatia

September 3 - 8, 2012

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Tags: Bioinformatics, 2012, September, Systems Biology, Dubrovnik, Croatia, biology research, Genomics, Research, science researchers

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