Science Researcher Update: Spotlight on Meetings, Conferences, and Events

Bioscience Research: Biosensors, A Multidisciplinary Approach

Posted on Jul 20, 2012 9:06:00 AM

Biosensors, A Multidisciplinary Approach

Workshop - London, UK

This workshop aims to highlight the novel research that is taking place at the interface between biology and chemistry; whilst enhancing the possibilities to network on a regional and international level. Biosensors are a growing field of research and the amalgamation of local and international experts within the field is hoped to generate new research collaborations and future funding applications. Masters and PhD students will be encouraged to apply/attend and a poster session will be held throughout the meeting.

The School of Chemistry at Bangor has a long and distinguished history over 125 years. It was one of the founding schools of the University College of North Wales (now Bangor University) and has a proud tradition of excellent chemists both working in and being trained at the School. The School of Chemistry offers a wide range of undergraduate courses, including its flagship MChem programmes. Research work in the school is of the highest quality and covers traditional areas of organic, inorganic and physical chemistry together with the newer areas of computational, environmental, materials and biological chemistry.

25th July 2012 at 9:15 to 17:00 (GMT+00:00)

 Bangor University School of Chemistry
The Orton Lecture Theatre, School of Chemistry, London, UK


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Tags: Bioscience research, 2012, University Research, UK, July, London, biology research, Life Sciences, Biotechnology

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