Science Researcher Update: Spotlight on Meetings, Conferences, and Events

Veterinary Vaccines Research and Diagnostics Conference

Posted on Jul 8, 2012 11:06:00 AM

6th International Veterinary Vaccines and Diagnostics Conference

 Conference - Cairns, Australia

The original and continuing purpose of the IVVDC is to bring together people from the Private Sector (Industry, Veterinary Practice) and the Public Sector (Government and Academia) to discuss issues pertaining to the development and use of all Veterinary Vaccines and Diagnostics for multiple animal species.

The First  IVVDC Conference was held in Madison WI in 1997 (Chair R.D. Schultz), the 2nd in Oxford England 2000 (Chair Lewis Thomas), the 3rd in Guelph Canada 2003 (Chair Pat Shewen)  the 4th in Oslo Norway 2006 (Chair Arve Lund) and the 5th in Madison, USA (Chair Ronald David Schultz) .  These were all excellent conferences!  The original and continuing purpose of the IVVDC is to bring together people from the Private Sector (Industry, Veterinary Practice) and the Public Sector (Government and Academia) to discuss issues pertaining to the development and use of all Veterinary Vaccines and Diagnostics for multiple animal species.  The 6th IVVDC will be located in an ideal setting, in the beautiful city of Cairns in Australia’s tropical East Coast near the Great Barrier Reef. We hope to see many old faces and some new as we continue to make major inroads into Veterinary Immunology, Microbiology, Vaccinology and Diagnostics.

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(Photo courtesy of

29th July - 1st August 2012

Cairns Convention Centre, Cairns, Australia

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Tags: vaccine research, 2012, animal science, July, Australia, Conference, Research

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