Science Researcher Update: Spotlight on Meetings, Conferences, and Events

The Biology And Pathology Of Tau And Its Role In Tauopathies II

Posted on Jan 1, 2012 11:16:00 AM

The Biology And Pathology Of Tau And Its Role In Tauopathies II

A Biochemical Society Focused Meeting - Cambridge, United Kingdom

Alzheimer’s Disease (AD), is a progressive, increasingly common neurodegenerative condition without an available treatment. It is characterized by two pathological hallmarks: the neuritic plaques made up of amyloid beta protein and the neurofibrillary tangles made up hyper-phosphorylated Tau protein.


The biochemistry and processing of Tau in physiological and pathological conditions

Pathological mechanisms including axonal transport disruption, filament formation, synaptic dysfunction and others

Tau and b interactions 

 Sunday, January 08, 2012  to Monday, January 09, 2012

Robinson College, Cambridge, United Kingdom

Contact: (44-0-207-685-245)

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Tags: biomedical research, Research Meeting UK, research event january 2012, Alzheimer' Research, current science events

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