Science Researcher Update: Spotlight on Meetings, Conferences, and Events

Establishing Anti-Ageing Medicines Conference

Posted on Jan 21, 2014 2:33:00 AM

Establishing Anti-Ageing Medicines

Conference - London, United Kingdom

The last three decades have shown us how plastic the ageing process can be. It is becoming apparent that, with increased knowledge, more and more of the negative consequences of ageing can now be tackled, postponed or avoided. This meeting aims to review the most up to date science about how we can positively modulate ageing and the implementation of such results to human ageing.

Organization: Euroscicon

220px Vue @ the O2, London

(Courtesy of Cineworld: The O2, London, UK, via

Establishing Anti-Ageing Medicines

Wednesday, 26 February 2014 (09:00 - 17:00)

Cineworld: The O2, Peninsula Square London London SE10 0DX United Kingdom

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Tags: 2014, Biotechnology Current Events, United Kingdom, London, Research Meeting UK, February, Ageing, Life Sciences, Conference, Biotechnology

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