Science Researcher Update: Spotlight on Meetings, Conferences, and Events

Bioprocess miniaturization: Development and optimisation

Posted on Nov 21, 2013 11:36:00 PM

Bioprocess miniaturization: Development and optimisation

Conference - London, United Kingdom

Miniaturisation and automation of bioprocess development continues to be a
rapidly expanding area of interest since the technologies promise to reduce biopharmaceutical development time and cost. This meeting will focus on recent technologies used in high throughput bioprocess development, from clone selection through to analysis of final product and formulation. Expert speakers will describe the development and use of current miniaturisation technologies together with the technical and regulatory hurdles that must be overcome to facilitate wider industrial uptake.

Organization: Euroscicon


(Courtesy of Cineworld The O2, via

Bioprocess miniaturization: Development and optimisation

Tuesday, 26 November 2013 (09:00 - 17:00)

Cineworld: The O2

Peninsula Square, London, United Kingdom

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Tags: 2013, November, United Kingdom, Development, Chemical Sciences, Chemistry, London, biopharmaceutical, Research Meeting UK

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