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Pharma-Biotech Product & Company Valuation: An Introductory Course with Dr. Patrik Frei

Posted on Oct 15, 2013 8:31:00 AM

Pharma-Biotech Product & Company Valuation: An Introductory Course with Dr. Patrik Frei

Course - Copenhagen, Denmark

By attending this course, you will:

1. Know what determines the value of life science biotechs and emerging pharma companies.

2. Gain a thorough understanding of key valuation terms, concepts, tools & techniques.

3. Learn and practice how to:

Use a model that assesses the soft factors of a biotech company prior to its valuation.

Calculate the value of a biotech company.

Calculate the value of a development compound with an excel tool you can take home and use for any other pharmaceutical product in development.

Structure licensing deals between pharma and biotech, covering issues such as milestones and royalty payments.

4. Gain expert insight and advice from Patrik Frei who has assessed and valued numerous products and companies in the life sciences industry.

Programme outline

Welcome & Introduction to Valuation: What – Why – When

How to Assess a Company Prior to Valuation

Company Valuation

Product Valuation & Deal Structuring

Final Discussion & Wrap-up

Organization: C.E.L.forpharma


(Courtesy of Hilton Copenhagen Airport Hotel, Denmark, via

Pharma-Biotech Product & Company Valuation: An Introductory Course with Dr. Patrik Frei

Wed, Oct 16, 2013 - Wed, Oct 16, 2013

Hilton Copenhagen Airport Hotel

Ellehammersvej 20, 2770 Copenhagen, Denmark

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Tags: 2013, October, Copenhagen, Denmark, Life Sciences, Biotechnology, biotech industry, biotech, Biotech current events

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