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Imaging the brain at multiple scales. How to integrate multi - scale structural information?

Posted on Aug 18, 2013 12:49:00 AM

Imaging the brain at multiple scales. How to integrate multi - scale structural information?

Course - Antwerp, Belgium

The improvement of imaging techniques over the last decades has provided neuroscientists with means to investigate the relations between the structure and function of the brain at different spatial and temporal scales focusing in the emerging field of Connectomics.

This course addresses both the theoretical and practical aspects of cutting-edge image processing techniques used to analyze imaging data at different spatial scales and provide an introduction to the existing solutions to manage and integrate data at different scales in a coherent framework.

We are providing a unique and multi-disciplinary international training course which will focus on four different imaging modalities applicable at different spatial scales: electron microscopy, light microscopy, MRI/DTI and MR microscopy. For each of these technical use-cases, we will give an overview of (i) the standard image processing techniques, (ii) the methods used for extracting the brain connectivity and (iii) the current solutions for storing, manipulating and annotating large image datasets. These theoretical presentations will be supported by practical examples using open-source software and publicly available datasets wherever possible.

Organization: Belgian Neuroinformatics Node


(Courtesy of Brain Imaging IDs Changes, via

Imaging the brain at multiple scales. How to integrate multi - scale structural information?

Mon, Sep 02, 2013 - Fri, Sep 06, 2013

Promotiezaal De Grauwzusters

Stadcampus Lange Sint-Annastraat, 7, Antwerp, Belgium

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Tags: 2013, Microscopy, brain research, September, Imaging, Belgium, Neuroscience, Life Sciences

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