Science Researcher Update

EMBL Introductory Course: Next Generation Sequencing: Enrichment Based Clinical Resequencing

Written by Stela BCI | Apr 12, 2015 12:11:05 PM
Course - Heidelberg, Germany
The field of DNA sequencing has evolved rapidly over the last years and the rise of next generation sequencing (NGS) has caused a dramatic decrease in sequencing costs. Nowadays NGS is not only applied in basic research studies but also in translational and clinical settings. Targeted resequencing panel approaches usually use either PCR amplicon or enrichment based technologies to generate sequence ready libraries which are then analyzed using a benchtop sequencer.
The goal of this course is to teach the fundamentals of NGS library preparation and validation using enrichment based tests like the Nextera / TruSight Rapid Capture assay. We will start with an introduction into Illumina NGS technology and the library preparation workflow. The main part will be the wet lab preparation of libraries from genomic DNA, with a focus on the critical steps and potential pitfalls of the protocol. Finally we will quality control and quantify the prepared libraries. We will also have a basic training on assay design using DesignStudio and data analysis of Enrichment based sequencing results using standard Illumina software tools like MiSeq Reporter and VariantStudio.
During this course we will focus on the following aspects:
Wet lab training and best practices for Nextera / TruSight Rapid Capture library preparation
Best practices of sequencing library validation and quantification
Custom assay design using DesignStudio
Introduction to Enrichment based sequencing data analysis and interpretation using Illumina MiSeq Reporter and VariantStudio software
Organization: CCO EMBL
EMBL Introductory Course: Next Generation Sequencing: Enrichment Based Clinical Resequencing
24th - 28th August 2015
EMBL Advanced Training Centre
Heidelberg, Germany
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