Science Researcher Update: Spotlight on Meetings, Conferences, and Events

Animal Agriculture & Food Safety Risk Analysis & Disease Modeling

Posted on Jun 13, 2015 4:14:00 AM

Course - London, United Kingdom
Candidates without prior training or working experience in quantitative risk analysis will be interested in our course Animal Agriculture and Food Safety Risk Analysis and Disease Modeling, offered on August 17-28, 2015. This two-week course aims at providing participants with practical and critical risk analysis skills. The first week (Mod. 1) provides the basic principles of risk analysis; it covers essential probability and statistics theory, stochastic processes and core risk modeling principles. It also provides participants with hands-on skills to effectively use a risk modeling software environment. The second week (Module 2) reviews quantitative modeling methods required for QRAs of international standards.
Organization: EpiX Analytics LLC
Mon, Aug 17, 2015 - Fri, Aug 28, 2015
The Royal Veterinary College of the University of London
Camden Campus, Royal College St., London NW1 0T, United Kingdom
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Tags: agriculture, United Kingdom, animal science, August, Epidemiology, London, 2015, Health Science, research course, Life Sciences

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