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Mt Sinai: $508M R&D Budget

Posted on Thu, Jan 11, 2018

Are you looking to increase lab sales at Mt. Sinai?

Mt Sinai Research

“World renowned for our groundbreaking medical and scientific inquiry, discovery, and development, the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai is home to a full spectrum of research laboratories, institutes, and centers across all disciplines.”

If your company would like an easy way to create long lasting relationships with some of the nation’s top research scientists, you may want to join us at the our upcoming BioResearch Product Faire™:

Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai – 4/18/18
$508M life science R&D budget

Mt Sinai Event

"The Mt. Sinai show was excellent. There was a lot of foot traffic and I was able to interact with many end-users. I was very pleased with not just the quantity, but quality of attendees"

Call us today and let Biotechnology Calendar, Inc. show your company exactly how easy networking with these distinguished researchers can be.

Purchasing Mt. Sinai

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Tags: Mt. Sinai, Dental Technology