Biotechnology Calendar Company Events and News

This Week: UCSD Vendor Event in San Diego

Written by BCI Staff | Mon, Aug 26, 2019

Join  nearly 500 Life Science  Research Professionals  this week at the upcoming University of California San Diego Biotechnology Vendor Showcase™ Science Product Trade Show. Find  new tools, new processes and make new contacts that  can help your with your research programs in this well funded research mecca.

Opportunities for Lab Suppliers Working to Turn Lab Sales Leads into Sales Last year, the Biotechnology Vendor Showcase™ Events at the University of California, San Diego attracted 1063 attendees. Of these attendees, 345 were purchasing agents, professors and post docs, and 139 were lab managers. These attendees came from more than 50 different research buildings and 60 on-campus departments. 

UCSD: One Billion Dollar Research Marketplace:

2017 Total R&D Expenditures: $1,133,454,000

Ranked 7th in Total R&D Expenditures

2017 Life Science R&D Expenditures: $667,478,000

The Altman Clinical and Translational Research Institute Building opened in 2016 at UCSD. The initial five year $37.2 million grant was renewed with a $52 million grant last year.

A five-year, $15 million grant has been awarded to the university’s Center for AIDS Research by the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID).

UCSD received $12 million in 2019 from NIH, as co-leader of the California Precision Medicine Research Program Consortium's inclusion in the "All of Us" research program. 

Life Science  Researchers in Southern California Invited to Participate

  • Enjoy a complimentary breakfast and lunch buffet
  • Establish new professional contacts for your future
  • Network with fellow researchers across campus
  • Schedule equipment demos
  • Meet with numerous lab suppliers in one place
  • Learn about new lab supplies and technologies
  • Discover new companies; see what new products they have
  • Compare products, prices, and brands
  • Ask questions

University of California San Diego Biotechnology Vendor Showcase™ Event – 08/29/19


Do you sell lab supplies? 

If your company is interested in driving sales to new highs this year, then ask us  about exhibiting at UCSD. To reserve exhibit space or to talk with a research product marketing specialist please click the link below:

Biotechnology Vendor Showcase™ Event at University of California San Diego 2019 Summer Event