Science Market Update

Columbia University Lab Supply Shows Now In March And September

Written by Laura Braden | Fri, Dec 19, 2014

Situated in Upper Manhattan, in the busy, bustling city of New York, Columbia University attracts a wide variety of highly intelligent students and researchers to its world-class facilities. Within the four main graduate schools in the Columbia Medical Center (College of Physicians and Surgeons, College of Dental Medicine, Mailman School of Public Health, School of Nursing), hundreds of researchers work in the different research facilities to find new knowledge and develop therapies to improve public health in New York and around the world. 

Biotechnology Calendar, Inc. has been producing an annual BioResearch Product Faire™ event at the Armory Track and Field adjacent to Columbia University that gives these researchers the chance to meet with scientific supply companies interested in finding new science sales leads. While working on research projects, lab managers, PI's and researchers actively seek the best new products and technologies that will help them further their projects and achieve their research goals.  

BRPF™ events in New York are great opportunities to market lab products to interested and active researchers.


In the past, the BioResearch Product Faire™ event at Columbia University has consistently been a sold out or nearly sold out show that has attracted anywhere from 300 to 430 researchers. Because of this high attendance from both life science vendors and researchers, Biotechnology Calendar, Inc. will now hold the BioResearch Product Faire™ event twice a year to give researchers and exhibitors greater opportunities to meet. The semiannual event will now be held in both March and September.

325 researchers attended the September 2014 event. Of these 325 attendees, 96 were professors, post docs and purchasing agents, 58 were lab managers, and the rest were research associates and postgraduate students. 

At the 2014 event, the exhibitors who attended reported generating high amounts of new leads interested in their products:

 One vendor reported generating 5 top quality leads for a product that sells for $25,000. This company has the potential to bring in $125,000 from those leads.

 A research consumables company reported 15 quality leads on a $300 product that is purchased in pairs 3-5 times a year, generating possibly $27,000 to $45,000 in revenue. 

Both researchers and exhibitors at the last show had great things to say about the event. Read some of the testimonials below: 

  • "The Columbia University Biotech Calendar show drove a significant amount of quality leads to our booth. This is extremely helpful in this market which is under served by our company."
  • "The show is always a busy one - very organized and accommodating!"
  • "Fantastic experience. Great people, great connections, great food, great show!!"
  • "This event was very informative. In the lab we are so used to working with old equipment and it is exciting to see the new technology out there. I really enjoyed the opportunity to see the future of scientific research." 



Researchers at the 2014 BioResearch Product Faire™ event find new products to help with their research.

As an Ivy League institution, Columbia University is top ranked in terms of the amount of funding it receives from both private and public sources happy to grant, award and donate millions of dollars to the institution annually:

  • In the 2012 fiscal year, Columbia University received $595,593,000 in total life science R&D expenditures. 
  • Columbia University received $441,221,637 in total NIH Funding in the 2014 fiscal year. 
  • Columbia University Medical Center will take part in a 5 year, $40 million NIH funded initiative to reduce stroke risk in minority communities.
  • A 3-year, $25 million gift was given to the Columbia University Medical Center towards a New Initiative for Treatment of ALS. A feature of the new consortium is the Target ALS Core Facilities, which will provide ALS investigators with access to key technologies that are too complex or costly to set up in each individual laboratory.
  • Columbia University Medical Center Herbert Irving Comprehensive Cancer Center received an $18 million, 5-year Cancer Center Support Grant from the National Cancer Institute.

For further information about attending or exhibiting at the 2015 Spring BioResearch Product Faire™ event happening at the Armory Track and Field Center in March, visit the appropriate links below: