Science Researcher Update

BGI Bioinformatics Workshop

Written by BCI Staff | Jun 14, 2013 10:43:00 AM

BGI Bioinformatics Workshop

Workshop - Shenzhen, China

Based on BGI’s powerful infrastructure and acknowledged research background, BGI will host the next Bioinformatics workshop on June 16-20, 2013 in Shenzhen China. We will provide you with a professional platform for discovering the latest technologies and sharing our experience in Bioinformatics. The workshop will combine lectures in the most up-to-date bioinformatics theory with hands-on learning opportunities delivered by our senior bioinformatics professors.

From this course you will learn about the the processing of second generation sequcing data and the analysis of bioinformatics database. You will learn application of bioinformatics on all levels of research and analytical methodologies, and you will independently apply your knowledge on informatics analytic software.

(Courtesy of 2012 BGI Bioinformatics Workshop, via

BGI Bioinformatics Workshop

Mon, Jun 17, 2013 - Thu, Jun 20, 2013

BGI, Shenzhen, China

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