Conference - United States
PK/PD represents the best opportunity to predict how a drug behaves before it enters the body. Drug developers already know this and are desperately trying to develop a best-in-class PK/PD strategy, ensuring that the best decisions are made moving into the clinic.
This conference will provide a forum to facilitate the exchange of practical information with the sole purpose of allowing you to implement the best PK/PD strategy possible, quickly.
The PK/PD Summit brings together speakers from Pfizer, Johnson & Johnson, Merck, Novartis, Amgen and others as they showcase new PK/PD strategies that you can adopt immediately on your return to the lab.
What will you gain from the PK/PD Summit?
Understand the latest PK/PD developments for more efficient drug development
Hear about novel PK/PD approaches to enhance the translation of preclinical data into the clinic
Explore novel strategies to identify and validate biomarkers, ensuring that better decisions are made moving into the clinic
Find out the best methods to determine the appropriate dosage regimen, whilst minimizing the risk of toxicity in the clinic
Deal with the PK/PD challenges early to inform de-risking strategies in early development
Network with all the key PK/PD players (Courtesy of
Tue, Mar 19, 2013 - Thu, Mar 21, 2013
Sheraton Boston Hotel
39 Dalton Street, Boston MA, United States
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