Science Researcher Update: Spotlight on Meetings, Conferences, and Events

Howard Hughes Medical Institute/Janelia Farm Research Campus Fluorescent Proteins & Biological Sensors

Posted on Oct 30, 2012 3:55:00 AM

Fluorescent Proteins and Biological Sensors

Conference - Janelia Farm Research Campus, United States

Janelia conferences are small, intense, and specialized meetings intended to encourage rapid advances and to foster collaborative interactions. There are no registration fees, and HHMI funds the local costs of the meetings, including meals and accommodations for all participants. Student scholarships are available.

Building on discussions from the first two meetings in this series, this conference will showcase the development of cutting-edge tools and technology for imaging, from cells to intact animals. Sessions will cover the design and discovery of new fluorescent proteins (and intriguing alternatives), and their incorporation into sensors for signaling molecules and cellular states. Innovative imaging modalities making use of such reagents, as well as biological discoveries gleaned from such experiments, will also be presented. It is our hope that the meeting can present a clear picture of how far these tools have come in recent years, and what additional reagents and capabilities are required to continue the advance of the Age of Light.

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(Courtesy of

Sun, Nov 04, 2012 - Wed, Nov 07, 2012

Janelia Farm Research Campus, United States

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Tags: November, animal research, 2012, Protein Research, Cell Research, United States, Development, Janelia Farm Research Campus, current science events

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