Science Researcher Update

Pharma Anti-Counterfeiting 2012: Current Biotechnology Events

Written by BCI Staff | Oct 16, 2012 10:50:00 AM

Pharma Anti-Counterfeiting 2012

Conference  - London, UK

This conference will gather government bodies, pharmaceutical companies and solution and technology providers to discuss the in-depth insights into the strategies and cutting edge technologies for pharmaceutical anti-counterfeiting.

• Anti-Counterfeiting and Product Security in EU and USA: government policies & strategies
• Identifying current developments in counterfeits & ways to overcome threats
• Discovering successful business models – Opportunities & Challenges
• Identify main challenges and methods to improve Global Security
• International partnerships and EU & U.S. regulations to combat counterfeit medicines
• Practical Tips – Strategies for securing the supply chains of the 21st century – authentication, digital serialization, track and trace technologies and government enforcement
• Best Practices on risk based approach to predict & prevent counterfeiting
• Protect your products – Learn how to use the right packaging identification systems effectively
• Discuss the impact of parallel trade and re-imports on counterfeiting medicines
• Effective drug packaging design and technologies enhancing product efficiency, patient and health personnel security, compliance, ease of use
• Establish robust pharmaceutical anti-counterfeiting and brand protection strategy to protect product and brand revenue
• Involve the latest cutting edge serialisation & track & trace technologies for anti-counterfeiting
• Include anti-counterfeiting in your business plan in order to secure product and supply chain safety in your company
• How the FBI is currently addressing intellectual property crime and partnering with U.S. government agencies

Courtesy of (

Thu, Oct 18, 2012 - Thu, Oct 18, 2012

Marriott Marble Arch Hotel, 134 George Street,

London, W1H 5DN , United Kingdom

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