How will you get to Stony Brook in October? Take the Long Island Rail Road from the City? The ferry from Bridgeport, CT? Rent a car at La Guardia? Either way, it promises to be a gorgeous trip (think fall color) and an excellent show. Here’s a sampling of what Stony Brook University boasts:
• At its 1,039-acre campus on Long Island’s North Shore: the main academic areas, Stony Brook Medical Center, the Health Sciences Center (Schools of Medicine), and the Veterans Home
• Stony Brook Manhattan, a new Research and Development Park, three business incubators, and the Stony Brook Southampton campus on Long Island’s East End
• Co-management of Brookhaven National Laboratory a few miles from the main campus
The first magnetic resonance image was taken at Stony Brook (with a Nobel Prize to follow), and bioscience researchers are still on the cutting edge of that technology. Read about it in this Science Market Update blog article.
Stony Brook will be the last of a whole battery of shows that Biotechnology Calendar will be in New York for in the fall:
10/15/2012 -- Columbia University Medical Center
10/16/2012 -- Mt Sinai School of Medicine
10/17/2012 -- Rockefeller University
10/18/2012 -- Stony Brook University
We invite you to join us and connect with these elite researchers. New York City has the largest hospital market and perhaps the best-funded med school research departments (for such a small area) in the US. Mt. Sinai, for instance, ranks #1 in the country for its Geriatrics program, and the school has risen faster than any other medical school in the U.S. News & World Report rankings in the past decade.
Read about Mount Sinai's cutting edge research in our Science Market Update article.
If you’re not already on board for these big New York events, visit this link to register for
any of our New York Metropolitan Area shows, or use the buttons below.
Exhibit at
Columbia University Exhibit at
Mount Sinai Get Rockefeller
Event Pricing Exhibit at
Stony Brook University