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The BioResearch Product Faire™

Rockefeller University

4/8/2020 & 9/25/2020


Attendance is free for science professionals.  To register, simply fill out the form on left. 

Find new lab products, improved analytical equipment, and learn about new research techniques.

Our life science biotechnology events feature a wide range of relevant, high quality vendors to ensure that you find the products you need to meet your research goals. At this event, you and your colleagues will find industry professionals and the newest lab technology available.

Network with other researchers and outside science professionals.

  • Meet other researchers around campus to explore research concepts and collaborate on new ideas
  • Connect with industry professionals and get answers to your research technology questions
  • Establish new contacts and maintain and grow existing professional relationships
Learn about new research techniques and technologies.

Labratory supply companies are a strong resource for new and improved methods and protocols using their  products. While you may use a technique a few times and struggle with the particulars of  a specific product, the companies that produce them have entire teams dedicated to problem solving.  You can save time and money by connecting with the product experts trained by their companies to answer your questions.


"I was invited to this vendor show via email and boy am I glad that I attended! I am thankful for the opportunity to learn more about Biotechnology Nucleo counter. This will be instrumental in my immunology lab for PBMC counting and processing. Great job guys!" - B. B., Rockefeller University BCI event


Click to see past Rockefeller University Photo Gallery

Get creative ideas when you take a break from your normal routine.

Getting out of the lab and away from the bench can give you a fresh perspective on your research challenges. Enjoy our high quality catered buffet, and learn about the latest developments in research science products and methods. Our tradeshows are relaxing, enjoyable and educational.




"This show was very helpful for us and allowed us to obtain new samples to try new experiments. I also got important information about the advanced imaging equipment." - R. X., Rockefeller University BCI event




If you are an exhibitor, please click here for more information