Science Researcher Update

Vision: A Platform for Linking Circuits, Perception & Behavior

Written by Stela BCI | May 25, 2015 11:27:00 AM
Course - Cold Spring Harbor, NY, United States
The purpose of this course is to bring together students and faculty for in depth and high level discussions of modern approaches for probing how specific cell types and circuits give rise to defined categories of perception and action. It is also designed to address novel strategies aimed at overcoming diseases that compromise sensory function.
The visual system is the most widely studied sensory modality. Recently, three major shifts have occurred in the field of neuroscience. First, owing to the large array of genetic techniques available in mice and the relative ease of imaging and recording from the cortex of small rodents, the mouse visual system has become a premiere venue for attacking the fundamental unresolved question of how specific cells and circuits relate to visual performance at the receptive field and whole-animal level. Second, genetic and viral methods have evolved to the point where neurophysiologists can directly probe the role of defined circuits in species such as macaque monkeys, thus bridging the mechanism-cognition gap. Third, the field of visual neuroscience is rapidly paving the way for widespread clinical application of stem cell, gene therapy and prosthetic devices to restore sensory function in humans.
Organization: Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory
Vision: A Platform for Linking Circuits, Perception and Behavior
Tue, Jul 07, 2015 - Mon, Jul 20, 2015
CSHL Campus
Cold Spring Harbor, United States
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