Science Researcher Update

VIB Present: Structural Dynamics in Cellular Communication

Written by Stela BCI | Dec 31, 2014 9:44:46 PM
Conference - Brussels, Belgium
Join VIB at it's first conference on ‘Structural dynamics in cellular communication’ that will take place in an architecturally significant venue in the heart of Europe (Brussels, Belgium) from 9-10 February, 2015. The conference will cover the latest advances in protein science, focusing on systems structural biology, the functional role of structural dynamics, the organization of complexes and key technological advances. During four plenary sessions this first edition will handle the following topics: macromolecular machines and assemblages; protein network dynamics; protein fluctuations and function; and membrane proteins and complexes.
Organization: VIB

VIB Present: Structural Dynamics in Cellular Communication

Mon, Feb 09, 2015 - Tue, Feb 10, 2015
Kunstberg, Brussels, Belgium
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